Scarecrow Requirements

    • All scarecrows must be homemade and visible from the street or public walkway. 
    • Scarecrows must be able to withstand outdoor weather conditions. 
    • Participants are responsible for keeping their scarecrows in good viewing condition during the contest.
    • Scarecrows entries must have a name or title.
    • When designing your scarecrow please keep in mind this is a family event. No political or overly violent scarecrows will be accepted.
    • The Collister Neighborhood Association reserves the right to reject any scarecrows deemed inappropriate or commercially made and does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to any of the displays.
    • Scarecrows must be on display through, Friday, November 1.

Who can participate? 

    • Anyone within the Collister Neighborhood: Collister Neighborhood Boundaries
    • Families or individuals 
    • Businesses 
    • Community Groups such as 4H, youth groups, classrooms, school clubs, etc.

How to Submit Your Entry:

    • Please complete the form linked below or email your submission to:
    • Deadline: Entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Friday, October 18.



    • For email submissions, please include the following:
      • Email Subject: 2024 Scarecrow Contest Submission
      • Your contact information:
        • Name
        • Business or Organization (if applicable)
        • Phone number
        • Address of the scarecrow and a brief description of where it is located (ex: middle of front yard). Please note that the location of scarecrows may be posted on the Collister Neighborhood Association’s website and social media channels.
      • Title of your entry.
      • Photos: attach 2-5 images of your completed scarecrow.


    • Collister Neighborhood residents will be able to vote for their top three favorite scarecrows. Beginning the week of October 21, entry photos will be added to this page along with an online voting form. Voting will conclude at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, November 1.
    • The Secretary of the Collister Neighborhood Association will tally the votes to determine the winners. In the event of a tie, the CNA Board will cast the deciding vote.
    • First, second, and third place winners will be announced on Monday, November 4.


    • TBA


Please email