This Neighborhood Plan was prepared by the Collister Neighborhood Association and adopted by the Boise City Council September 11, 2007.

To view the full Collister Neighborhood Plan: Collister CNA Plan (PDF)

“The mission of the Collister Neighborhood Plan is to convey the vision of the neighborhood residents for the future of the Collister Neighborhood, and to address how the neighborhood will achieve this vision. The plan links the shared goals and concerns of Collister neighbors to a specific set of actions, with the intent of accomplishing the goals outlined in the plan.”

The Collister Neighborhood Comprehensive Plan is organized into the following chapters:


This section defines the overall purpose of the plan, and describes the neighborhood planning process.

Chapter 1 — Collister Neighborhood Identity

This chapter briefly states the neighborhood vision. It contains a brief summary of the eight main goals of the Collister Neighborhood Plan.

Chapter 2 — Plan Objectives and Implementation Actions

This chapter summarizes the neighborhood visions for long-term livability and sustainability. It lists specific needs and goals that were identified by the Collister Neighborhood community, and includes recommended actions to achieve these goals. The information in this chapter was developed based on input from the Collister community during the planning process. References to applicable sections of the Boise City Comprehensive Plan are also included.

Chapter 3 — Background Report

This chapter is a snapshot of the neighborhood as it exists today, describing the neighborhood and its boundaries. It also provides a detailed description of the neighborhood history, development, unique features, and areas of concern.


Source documents used to develop this plan.
