January 2020 Newsletter

Happy 2020 to all of our Neighbors!

Calling all neighbors who can help lead your Collister Neighborhood Association in 2020.  Our annual meeting is Wednesday, February 12 at 7 pm at the Library at Collister Shopping Center.  We need your help to strengthen our community, make our neighborhoods safer, and lessen the impacts of growth on our streets, recreation, and environment. As a member of the CNA Board, you will want to attend the four quarterly meetings and keep up on communication with other board members on specific opportunities to help our neighborhood community.  We are all volunteers and literally cannot do it with those of you stepping up to serve.  All positions are open for election annually including the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Additionally, we have two more board positions focusing on Arts and Planning and Zoning/Transportation.  The President and Vice President‘s roles require the most time commitments to attend meetings, oversee committees, develop grants, speak on behalf of the CNA, facilitate meetings and more.  All available board members participate in the annual picnic scheduled for Saturday, June 20, 2020.

We need everyone but would deeply appreciate those stepping up that have good accounting skills to help us manage our mini-grants, oversee minimal accounts, and track fundraising income.  If you feel you have the time, skill and interest, the Treasurer position may be just the right role for you.

Do you like taking notes, editing text, setting up meeting supplies, and sending out notices in advance of meetings?   It’s not a big job but it’s certainly an important one.  Please consider running for Secretary for 2020.

If you are interested in learning more, please send an email to president@collistercna.org We are holding a “meet with the board” gathering on the evening of Wednesday January 8th for those who want to learn more about serving on the board.  The annual election is Wednesday, February 12 and any resident can run for any position.  Please consider joining the team!

And as we say goodbye to 2019, we offer our thanks to the many volunteers, city and county officials, and businesses that helped the Collister Neighborhood Association over the past year.  A first shout out to the City of Boise for helping sponsor our annual picnic, new sign designs that are underway, historical research on our area and a new sidewalk that will link Catalpa Park to Bloom Street behind Collister Elementary.  We also thank Edwards Nursery for sponsoring our annual scarecrow contest and all the scarecrow builders in the neighborhood for participating! Thank you to the many neighborhood association leaders who have collaborated with us in 2019. And we also wish to thank our annual picnic volunteers and the residents who attended our quarterly meetings.  We deeply appreciate your participation!

Suzanne Stone, President
Sarah Taylor, Vice President
Sarah Frassa Thueson, Secretary
Tim Willmorth, Treasurer
Claire Fenton, Arts Committee Chair
Ester Ceja, Planning and Zoning/Transportation Chair

2020 Quarterly Meetings
Our dates are set for our neighborhood-wide meetings for 2020. Each meeting is held on a Wednesday at 7pm at the Library! at Collister. All neighbors are welcome. Please join us! Mark your 2020 Calendars for:

  • Wednesday, February 12 – Annual Meeting Elections!
  • Wednesday, May 13
  • Wednesday, August 12
  • Wednesday, November 11

Each meeting is held on a Wednesday at 7pm at the Library! at Collister. All neighbors are welcome. Please join us!

Collister Neighborhood Annual Picnic
Please join us! Mark your 2020 Calendars for:

  • Saturday, June 20, 2020

More info coming soon! We are looking for volunteers to help plan the picnic. If you are interested please contact Suzanne at president@collistercna.org

City of Boise Meeting Schedule
To view City of Boise meeting schedule go to:
Online City of Boise meeting schedule
What kind of emails do you want to receive from the Collister Neighborhood Association?
If you received this email, you are already part of the list! You’ll receive general emails with our monthly newsletter and special updates, when needed. Additionally, you can sign up to receive:
  • Planning & Zoning Updates
  • Transportation Updates
  • City of Boise Neighborhood Updates
  • Neighborhood History Updates
  • Sycamore Neighborhood Overlay Updates
To change or update your email preferences, please click on the button below. Thank you for being part of our neighborhood! 
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A special thanks to the Central Foothills Neighborhood Association and all our residents who spoke out in response to the Eyrie Terraces foothills development proposal that would have removed the top of the foothills adjacent to Hillside Junior High.  Both the City Planning and Zoning and the City Council unanimously voted to reject the proposal. Thank you for showing up and testifying so eloquently.  If you missed the hearing but want to see your neighbors in action, visit the City of Boise’s website archive video of the meeting starting at 1 hour 14 minutes here.