Zoom Meeting
AGENDA (subject to change)

Online meeting link (Zoom)


Monday, September 27, 2021

7:00pm Welcome, Set Meeting Expectations, Call for additional agenda Items
7:10pm Sycamore Overlay Open House Recap – Hillary Takahashi, CNA President

Sycamore Overlay residents hosted an open house on September 8 with a guided tour of two farms and a stop at our intricate irrigation system that traverses the neighborhood. The purpose of the open house was to engage city leaders on the proposed planning and zoning re-write and the potential impacts to the neighborhood.

7:20pm Boise Redistricting and Upcoming City Council Elections – Lisa Sanchez, Boise City Council Pro Tem and District 3 Candidate

City Council Pro Tem and District 3 candidate, Lisa Sanchez, will provide an overview of the new city redistricting and the upcoming elections.  There will be time for Q&A.

City Council Election Districts | City of Boise

*Note: This is not a CAN endorsement of this candidate, but an opportunity to hear from and ask questions.  Opportunities with other candidates are welcome and forthcoming.

7:35pm Collister Drive Concept Study, Phase II of Public Input – Hillary Takahashi, CNA President

Synopsis of the Phase I survey

For more information about the Collister Drive Study check out the ACHD Project Site

7:45pm Electrical Box Wraps – Claire Fenton, Arts Workgroup Lead

Collister Neighborhood received a grant to wrap traffic boxes with artwork at State & Bloom, State & Collister, State & Ellens Ferry, 36th & Hill & Catalpa Dogbone, State St Collister Marketplace.  Look for a short survey to identify top themes for the boxes.  Thank you to everyone who submitted theme ideas!

7:55pm Shelter Better Task Force Recap and Next Steps– Hillary Takahashi, CNA President and Doug Drinka, Treasurer

The Shelter Better Task Force wrapped up on September 10.  All of the meetings were recorded, with the exception of the final meeting.  Links are on the Shelter Better webpage.  The final report was presented to City Council at the September 14 working meeting.   So what happens next?

8:20pm Additional Items identified at the beginning of the meeting
8:30pm AdjournNEXT MEETING – ELECTIONS!  December, 2021 7pm (Date TBD).


SCARECROW CONTEST: Look for the announcement with rules and timelines to be released soon!